CFDI recover through FolioOperacion

Sovos has developed a service to recover a CFDI previously certified through FolioOperacion.


General Features

With this service, you can obtain information on a receipt issued in the Sovos certification platform with a Sovos unique ID. That ID (procedure folio) is independent of the elements integrating the original chain used to certify a CFDI.

What do I need?

Para poder hacer uso del servicio se necesita lo siguiente:

  • A service contract with Sovos. If you don’t have one, please send an email to
  • To generate an API key on your Sovos account, this is an identifier that authenticates the user on the platform web services. To generate an API key, please review this article: Generating an API Key for web services.
  • To specify a procedure folio in the certification request. This folio can be specified in issuance web service, stamping web service or integration file issuance.
  • To use a web service published on the internet through a safe connection (SSL).

Service Location

The URLs for each of the environments are:

Environment WSDL Location

Method [RecuperaComprobante]

Through this web service method, you can request the recovery of a CFDI based on a procedure folio indicating the receipt, whether is a CFDI or a CFDI supporting retentions and payment information. Next, we see a description of the elements issued in the requisition and the ones in the response:

RecuperaComprobante Request

Element Use Description
ApiKey Required Authentication Id generated on the Sovos portal.
FolioOperacion Required Id of no more than 200 characters identifying the receipt you want to recover.

Recovery Request Example

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cus="" xmlns:urn="">

Response: RecuperaComprobante

When the procedure was successful

Existen dos tipos de respuestas exitosas:

  • When the requested document could be recovered through the operation folio.
  • When the requested document couldn’t be recovered through the operation folio, but the folio fiscal and the issuance date could be recovered. This scenario can happen for receipts certified by Sovos older than 6 months.

For the first scenario, those are the fields that you will get as part of a response:

Element Description
TransactionId Procedure Id
Comprobante The receipt related to the procedure folio specified in the requisition. It is included inside an element <![CDATA[...]]>.
Retencion The CFDI of retentions and payment information related to the procedure folio specified in the requisition. It is included inside an element <![CDATA[...]]>.

The nodes Comprobante and Retencion are mutually excluded, meaning we can’t have a node Comprobante and a node Retencion at the same time.

This is the response message when a CFDI no older than 6 months is successfully recovered.

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <ComprobanteResponse xmlns="">
         <Comprobante><![CDATA[<cfdi:Comprobante xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:cfdi="" Version="3.3" LugarExpedicion="11520" TipoDeComprobante="I" Descuento="30.0000" SubTotal="135.0000" Total="101.8500" Moneda="MXN" Fecha="2021-01-25T13:29:16" NoCertificado="30001000000400002434" FormaPago="99" Folio="101" Serie="AUTOMATION" MetodoPago="PPD" Certificado="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" Sello="isRbYYbU1DXhlIx6yQ1Hvq3sZ8IHFmPl/iWrllfsgCHUrPpjrfouA6eNBDYFKCW867PWUz5Sg5HJewc8gOIDdARBIKDTyMrO/rZRgn0/YTPvNqtap8GcbFXKJaiwFt1CE+FyaRD7KoqNrguVKYM0zDdwmmxHTX4+RdhFsqWX0LAiLCSIt/ADvHuFA+EZEtnth3AnXiP3Wi2ONdXfTP5aq/jssrPEUFnxB/z7bhwwjuyBrp/X7EkRBqcvyZRXpTB55z6gSNkKswHedTWViuv3gxcjWcdgkAGyrGluCY4QgQXWW01C19E7GG0xSTOuD2cM4J6TnUyjJ0zuFfNOBb5FAg==" xsi:schemaLocation=""><cfdi:Emisor Rfc="EKU9003173C9" RegimenFiscal="601"  /><cfdi:Receptor Rfc="CACX7605101P8" UsoCFDI="G01" /><cfdi:Conceptos><cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="10111301" Cantidad="3" ClaveUnidad="C83" Unidad="Metro" Descripcion="Descripcion" ValorUnitario="45" Importe="135.0000" Descuento="30.0000"><cfdi:Impuestos><cfdi:Traslados><cfdi:Traslado Base="105" Impuesto="003" TasaOCuota="0.030000" Importe="3.150000" TipoFactor="Tasa" /></cfdi:Traslados><cfdi:Retenciones><cfdi:Retencion Base="105" Impuesto="003" TipoFactor="Tasa" TasaOCuota="0.060000" Importe="6.300000" /></cfdi:Retenciones></cfdi:Impuestos></cfdi:Concepto></cfdi:Conceptos><cfdi:Impuestos TotalImpuestosTrasladados="3.1500" TotalImpuestosRetenidos="6.3000"><cfdi:Retenciones><cfdi:Retencion Impuesto="003" Importe="6.300000" /></cfdi:Retenciones><cfdi:Traslados><cfdi:Traslado Impuesto="003" TipoFactor="Tasa" TasaOCuota="0.030000" Importe="3.150000" /></cfdi:Traslados></cfdi:Impuestos><cfdi:Complemento><tfd:TimbreFiscalDigital xmlns:tfd="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" Version="1.1" UUID="9ABE9C31-FF0D-4B53-ACBB-B70C36CDE106" FechaTimbrado="2021-01-26T19:08:56" RfcProvCertif="ASE0201179X0" SelloCFD="isRbYYbU1DXhlIx6yQ1Hvq3sZ8IHFmPl/iWrllfsgCHUrPpjrfouA6eNBDYFKCW867PWUz5Sg5HJewc8gOIDdARBIKDTyMrO/rZRgn0/YTPvNqtap8GcbFXKJaiwFt1CE+FyaRD7KoqNrguVKYM0zDdwmmxHTX4+RdhFsqWX0LAiLCSIt/ADvHuFA+EZEtnth3AnXiP3Wi2ONdXfTP5aq/jssrPEUFnxB/z7bhwwjuyBrp/X7EkRBqcvyZRXpTB55z6gSNkKswHedTWViuv3gxcjWcdgkAGyrGluCY4QgQXWW01C19E7GG0xSTOuD2cM4J6TnUyjJ0zuFfNOBb5FAg==" NoCertificadoSAT="20001000000300022323" SelloSAT="UmH5FeN2dTy3iJe91wagUOfnIdxJ1q3m71FM23mdxLBY7HBACbPGq5aeU5F76lQqXJMYzOWR0J/UUnQgXM2gq5NEn+loMynR+Y1gdj79KfBb34o85wIIKxjovCMLHKg2gGFM3fA4b+hiUWx1iV/VkuLIKsbS2e85etacgOdXQnn2yztCKc4ZmWT12jysgAb3X9aENcq6ckmGAUh6kfkDzA5brNdAxnX1FK87NAc0XzERwDPsqZMzEtJ+tfJrA5dWNPG2MFvkV59mx0zbIq9oFjuH+yY3u6LU7Zo/+s4HqquximtU/Djd3hcdChURq4vIrYpGsbiKHF7DeuKad4sVoA==" /></cfdi:Complemento></cfdi:Comprobante>]]></Comprobante>

For the second scenario, these are the fields returned as a response:

Element Description
TransactionId Procedure Id
UUID The fiscal folio of the requested receipt.
FechaEmision The issuance date of the requested receipt.

This is the response message when a CFDI older than 6 months is successfully recovered:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <ComprobanteResponse xmlns="">

When the recovery was not possible

Element Description
TransactionId Procedure Id that is used for diagnosis and support. You need to provide this Id if you request Sovos Support.
Error Object to describe errors.
Code A chain identifying the specific error.
Message The error code description that is used to ease the diagnosis of the client’s applications without referring to the error code table. Its value will be always the same for a specific error.

You can see response messages with an error in the recovery process next:

  • Example of a response with an error when the procedure folio was not found
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <ComprobanteResponse xmlns="">
            <Message>El folio de operación es incorrecto.</Message>
            <Details>No existe registro del folio de operación: 'INTERNO-2020-06-11_000002'.</Details>
  • Example of a response with an error when the specified API KEY is not valid
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <ComprobanteResponse xmlns="">
            <Message>Credenciales inválidas.</Message>
                  <Message>API Key no válida.</Message>
                  <Target>Consulta de Folio de Operación</Target>

Error Codes

Here is a list of the error codes that you will see in the platform

Error.Code Error.InnerErrors.Error.Code Meaning Description
AuthenticationFailed 100 API Key Required The element ApiKey is empty or has blanks.
AuthenticationFailed 101 API Key not valid The API Key doesn’t exist in Sovos.
AuthenticationFailed 102 API Key not valid The given API Key is not active.
AuthenticationFailed 105 Suspended account The account related to the API Key is suspended.
AuthenticationFailed 106 API Key not valid The given API Key is invalid.
401 - You must specify a procedure folio that is not empty  
405 - The procedure folio is incorrect There’s no registration for the given procedure folio.
InvalidRequest 999 Service internal error Sovos platform error.
InternalServerError 999 The request can’t be processed. Please contact support with your procedure Id.  

Method [RecuperaFolioComprobante]

Through this web service method, you can request the recovery of a CFDI list based on an operation folio identifying the receipt whether is a CFDI or a CFDI supporting retentions and payment information. The elements issued in the request and the ones obtained in the response are described next:

Request RecuperaComprobante

Element Use Description
ApiKey Required Authentication Id generated on the Sovos portal.
FechaInicial Required This specifies the initial date of the period you want to recover. The date format must be yyyy-mm-dd
FechaFinal Required This specifies the final date of the period you want to recover. The date format must be yyyy-mm-dd

Recovery requisition example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cus="" xmlns:urn="">

Response: RecuperaFolioComprobante

As a response to the recovery request of the receipt’s procedure folio, you will get the following:

When the transaction was successful

Element Description
TransactionId Procedure Id
Comprobantes Data structure with the Total of receipts found in the consulted period and a Comprobante with the following metadata: Version of the CFDI, FolioOperacion related to the receipt, UUID of the receipt, FechaEmision specified in the receipt, RFCEmisor, RFCReceptor, Serie, Folio, and the Total of the receipt.
Retenciones Structure with the data that has the Total of the CFDI of retentions and payment information found in the consulted period and a Retention with the following metadata: Version of the Retention, FolioOperacion related, UUID of the retention, FechaEmision specified in the retention, RFCEmisor, FolioInt, montoTotOperacion, montoTotGrav, montoTotExent, and the montoTotRet declared in the retention.

This is the message of a successful response:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <FoliosRegistradosResponse xmlns="">
         <Comprobantes Total="2">
            <Comprobante Version="3.3" FolioOperacion="INTERNO-2020-06-11_000001" UUID="9abe9c31-ff0d-4b53-acbb-b70c36cde106" FechaEmision="2021-01-25T13:29:16" RFCEmisor="EKU9003173C9" RFCReceptor="CACX7605101P8" Serie="AUTOMATION" Folio="101" Total="101.850000"/>
            <Comprobante Version="3.3" FolioOperacion="INTERNO-2020-06-27_000014" UUID="30376a74-033b-427e-bce8-8364e3de3053" FechaEmision="2021-01-26T13:29:16" RFCEmisor="EKU9003173C9" RFCReceptor="CACX7605101P8" Serie="AUTOMATION" Folio="214" Total="101.850000"/>
         <Retenciones Total="0"/>

When the consultation was not possible.

Element Description
TransactionId Procedure Id that is used for diagnosis and support. You need to provide this Id if you request Sovos Support.
Error Object for error description.
Code A chain that identifies the specific error.
Message The error code description that is used to ease the diagnosis in the client application without referring to the error table. Its value will always be the same for a specific error code.

You can see response messages with an error in the recovery process next:

  • Example of a response with an error when the consultation cannot be executed.
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <FoliosRegistradosResponse xmlns="">
            <Message>El rango de las fechas para recuperar los folios registrados es incorrecto.</Message>
            <Details>La fecha inicial [2021-02-01] debe ser menor a la fecha final [2021-01-26].</Details>

Error Codes

Here is a list of the error codes that you will see in the platform

Error.Code Error.InnerErrors.Error.Code Meaning Description
AuthenticationFailed 100 API Key Required The element ApiKey is empty or has blanks.
AuthenticationFailed 101 API Key not valid The API Key doesn’t exist in Sovos.
AuthenticationFailed 102 API Key not valid The given API Key is not active.
AuthenticationFailed 105 Suspended account The account related to the API Key is suspended.
AuthenticationFailed 106 API Key not valid The given API Key is invalid.
406 - The initial date FechaInicial must be lower than the final date FechaFinal  
406 - The period to consult can’t be greater than 3 months.  
InvalidRequest 999 Service internal error Sovos platform error.
InternalServerError 999 The request can’t be processed. Please contact support with your procedure Id.  

For more information or to clarify any doubt about this guide, please send an email to
