Get linked accounts for Self-Billing API

This REST API allows the issuer of a self-billing receipt to get information of the linked accounts on this scheme.


What do I need?

  • To have the self-billing service active in your Sovos Mexico account.
  • To generate an API key on your Sovos account, this is an identifier that authenticates the user on the platform web services. To generate an API key, please review this article: Generating an API Key for web services (Spanish only).

Consultation on linked accounts

The URLs for each of the environments are:

Environment URL

All requests should be done through https. The connections performed through http will be rejected.


HTTP Header

No parameters are expected inside GET. The only data that should travel in the header is the RCApiKey.

Body of the request

The body of the request must be empty.

Response Structure

The elements in the response are:

Element Description
requestDate Timestamp in yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss format that indicates the moment when the request was received.
csdCount Number of linked accounts for self-billing.
TrackingId Transaction Identificator. If there’s an error you must provide this ID to Sovos support.
csds Node that groups the detail of the linked accounts that have allowed its CSD to be used in self-billing.
SerialNumer Certificate number of the linked CSD of the issuer’s RFC.
taxId The issuer’s RFC of the linked account.

name *

Name or social reason of the RFC.
email Email of the linked account administrator.
validFromDate Start date of the CSD validity in format yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss
validUntilDate End date of the CSD validity in format yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss
linkedDate Linking date of the account in format yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss

fiscalRegime *

Fiscal regime that was reported by the owner of the linked account.

postalCode *

Zip code that was reported by the owner of the linked account.

the elements name, fiscalRegime and postalCode only return values if the owner has provided that information. If there’s not information to be returned, the expected answer will be a nullvalue.

Response example:

    "requestDate": "2021-11-11T18:52:47",
    "csdCount": "8",
    "TrackingId": "0006e22f-20f2-4aae-a5c0-4e038fdeb032",
    "csds": [
            "serialNumber": "30001000000400002336",
            "taxId": "XIQB891116QE4",
            "name": null,
            "email": "",
            "validFromDate": "2019-05-29T14:52:42",
            "validUntilDate": "2023-05-29T14:52:42",
            "linkedDate": "2019-10-08T18:18:30",
            "fiscalRegime": null,
            "postalCode": "99999"
            "serialNumber": "20001000000300022815",
            "taxId": "LAN7008173R5",
            "name": "CINDEMEX SA DE CV",
            "email": "",
            "validFromDate": "2016-10-25T16:52:11",
            "validUntilDate": "2020-10-25T16:52:11",
            "linkedDate": "2018-09-05T19:00:41",
            "fiscalRegime": "624",
            "postalCode": "11111"
            "serialNumber": "30001000000400002442",
            "taxId": "ZUÑ920208KL4",
            "name": null,
            "email": "",
            "validFromDate": "2019-06-17T15:18:06",
            "validUntilDate": "2023-06-17T15:18:06",
            "linkedDate": "2019-10-29T16:25:33",
            "fiscalRegime": null,
            "postalCode": null

Response Codes

Como respuesta del API REST, se obtendrá un código indicando el resultado de la operación.

Code Meaning Description
200 OK Consultation was successfully performed.
401 Unauthorized API Key is not valid.
403 Forbidden The account does not have the 'self-billing' service enabled.
404 Not Found URL does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error Sovos Mexico platform error.

For more information or any doubt related to this guide, please send an email to
