API for Consultation of the 69-B list

Sovos offers an API REST to consult the list of taxpayers published by the SAT and that fulfills article 69-B of the Mexican Fiscal Code (CFF Código Fiscal de la Federación).

Note: This API only shows information about article 69-B not 69-A.


General Features

The API for consultations of the taxpayers’ list helps you to know if an RFC is on the list 69-B (blocklist) or not. If a RFC is there you will get the following details:

  • Name or Company name of the taxpayer.
  • Taxpayer Status.
  • Number and date of the presumption document.
  • SAT page publication of a presumption.
  • DOF (Official Nation Newspaper) publication of a presumption.
  • SAT page publication of detracted taxpayers.
  • Date and number of the global publication of detracted taxpayers.
  • DOF publication of detracted taxpayers.
  • Date and number of the global publication of definitive taxpayers.
  • Date of publishing in the DOF of definitive taxpayers.
  • Date and number of the global publication for a favorable ruling.
  • SAT page publication of a favorable ruling.
  • DOF publication of a favorable ruling.

What do I need?

  • To have the API service for 69-B list consultation active in your Sovos account.
  • To generate an API key on your Sovos account, this is an identifier that authenticates the user on the platform web services. To generate an API key, please review this article: Generating an API Key for web services (Spanish only).

Consultation of an RFC in the 69-B list

To consult an RFC in the 69-B list, you should send the following:

Environment URL
UAT https://oat.reachcore.com/api/rest/listas/l69b
Production https://go.reachcore.com/api/rest/listas/l69b

All requests should be done through https. The connections performed through http will be rejected.

HTTP method POST

HTTP header

Parameter Value Use Description
RCApiKey API Key Required Authentication service through the API Key generated in the Sovos platform
Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8 Required The API REST only processes JSON structures, you must declare them.
Not including charset=utf-8 as the value for parameter Content-Type could interfere with the use of special characters such as & and Ñ.


The structure JSON is only accepted inside the body of a requisition. The supported attributes are the following:

Atribute Use Description
rfc Required Indicates the value of the RFC you will use for consultation. Must fulfill the follow regular expression: [A-Z,Ñ,&]{3,4}[0-9]{2}[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9][A-Z,0-9]?[A-Z,0-9]?[0-9,A-Z]?
You can provide more than one RFC, however the consultation cannot exceed more than 100 RFCs per request. To provide more than one RFC: separate them by commas (,).

Requesy Body


  "rfcs": [
  • The maximum quantity of RFC consulted per request is 100.
  • The RFCs can be in upper letters or lower letters but must follow the regular expression.
  • If you send an RFC twice for validation you will only get one response.

Body Response

The elements in the body of the response are the following:

Element Description
queryDate Consultation time stamp. Its format must be yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss
results Results of the RFC consultation request
errors Errors in the request

When response contains results, these will be expresed as an results array: As response results, those are the elements returned on results

Element Description
rfcConsultado Consulted RFC
encontrado Shows if the RFC was on the 69-B SAT list. If it was found the value is Si (yes): If it was not found, the value is No.
nombre Name of the taxpayer in the list.
oficios List of files associated with the taxpayer in the 69-B list
for each consulted RFC you will always get the elements rfcConsultado and encontrado: The rest of the elements are returned only when the RFC is found on the list.

Inside the oficios (files) element, you can find the following elements:

Element Description
situacion Taxpayer status
noOficioPresuncion Date and number of the presumption global publication.
fechaSATPresuncion SAT page publication of a presumption.
fechaDOFPresencion DOF publication of a presumption.
noOficioDesvirtuaron Date and number of the global file of detached taxpayers.
fechaSATDesvirtuaron SAT page publication for detracted taxpayers.
fechaDOFDesvirtuaron DOF publication for detracted taxpayers.
noGlobalDefinitivos Date and number of global publications of definitive taxpayers.
fechaSATDefinitivos SAT page publication of definitive taxpayers.
fechaDOFDefinitivos DOF publication of definitive taxpayers.
noOficioSentenciaFavorable Date and number of global publications of a favorable ruling.
fechaSATSentenciaFavorable SAT page publication of a favorable ruling.
fechaDOFSentenciaFavorable DOF publication of a favorable ruling.
if an RFC doesn’t have information about the publication number or date for any status, the element will not be included.

Response example:

    "queryDate": "2020-02-26T18:08:31",
    "results": [
            "rfcConsultado": "ASE0201179X0",
            "encontrado": "No"
            "rfcConsultado": "TEST010101000",
            "nombre": "ESTA ES UNA PRUEBA, S.A. DE C.V.",
            "encontrado": "Si",
            "oficios": [
                    "situacion": "Sentencia Favorable",
                    "noOficioPresuncion": "XXX-XX-20XX-XX710 de fecha XX de xxx de 20XX",
                    "fechaSATPresuncion": "20XX-XX-XXT00:00:00",
                    "fechaDOFPresencion": "20XX-XX-XXT00:00:00",
                    "noGlobalDefinitivos": "XXX-XX-20XX-XX004 de fecha XX de xxx de 20XX",
                    "fechaDOFDefinitivos": "20XX-XX-24T00:00:00",
                    "noOficioSentenciaFavorable": "XXX-XX-20XX-XX141 de fecha XX de xxx de 20XX"
                    "situacion": "Definitivo",
                    "noOficioPresuncion": "XXX-XX-20XX-XX219 de fecha XX de xxx de 20XX",
                    "fechaSATPresuncion": "20XX-XX-XXT00:00:00",
                    "fechaDOFPresencion": "20XX-XX-XXT00:00:00",
                    "noGlobalDefinitivos": "XXX-XX-20XX-XX910 de fecha XX de xxx de 20XX",
                    "fechaDOFDefinitivos": "20XX-XX-XXT00:00:00"

When there are errors, the errors element will show the following information:

Element Description
Code Error code
Message Message or description related to the error code

Example of a response with errors:

    "errors": [
            "Code": "400-001",
            "Message": "Los siguientes RFCs no cumplen con la expresión regular que define a un RFC: 'PRUEBAS010101000'"

Response Codes

As a response from the API REST you will obtain a code indicating the result of the procedure. All responses are in JSON format (application/json)

HTTP Code Error Code Meaning Description
200 -- OK The consultation to the SAT 69-B list was successfully achieved
400 400-001 Bad Request The following RFCs does not fulfill the regular expression that defines an RFC: {}
400 400-002 Bad Request The total number of RFCs {} exceeds the allowed amount: 100
400 400-401 Bad Request There’s not criteria search.
401 -- Unauthorized The authentication API Key is not valid.
403 403-001 Forbidden The account doesn’t have permissions to use the service Consultation of list 69-B
404 -- Not Found The URL does not exist.
500 -- Internal Server Error Sovos platform error.

For more information or any doubt related to this guide, please send an email to MEX-soporte@sovos.com
