Archiving Integration API


General Features

You can perform consultations through this API without using the graphic interface. It allows to integrate the archiving engine to other systems.

What do I need?

  • To have activated the archiving service in your Sovos Mexico account
  • To generate an API key on your Sovos account, this is an identifier that authenticates the user on the platform web services. To generate an API key, please review this article: Generating an API Key for web services (Spanish only).

Service Location

Environment URL


Checking service functionality

It is possible to check if the archiving service is online through a healthcheck. To perform this validation, you will need to use the operation monitoring/healthcheck. The result should be a code HTTP 200 if the service is functional. This method does not require authentication through an APIKEY. You can find the HTTP codes in the HTTP Response Codes section.


The procedures of the Archiving API are described next.

All procedures require authentication through an API Key in the requisition header using the identifier RCApiKey.
Action Method Description
Receipt Searching comprobantes/search?rcql={query string} This performs a search of receipts with the specified criteria in the searching string {query string}. The format of the {query string} is the following: {query string}='{search criteria}' where a search attribute can be one of the following:
  • descuento
  • fechaEmision
  • fechaTimbrado
  • folio
  • folioFiscal
  • formaDePago
  • metodoDePago
  • moneda
  • rfcEmisor
  • rfcReceptor
  • serie
  • tipoComprobante
  • total
  • version

You can combine different searching attributes in a {query string} through operators and and or.
For example, if you want to search the receipts where the issuer’s RFC is 'AAA010101AAA' and the formaDePago is '99', you will use the following query string: {rfcEmisor='aaa010101aaa' and formaDePago='99'}.
To search for dates you must include a value rank {fechaEmision>=DD/MM/YYYY and fechaEmision<=DD/MM/YYYY} (Note: the values of the date rank are not in quotations), if we take the previous example and use the date rank between July 19 of 2016 and July 20 of 2017 the query string will be: {rfcEmisor='aaa010101aaa' and formaDePago='99' and fechaEmision>=19/07/2016 and fechaEmision<=20/07/2017}.
By default there will be 100 registers per page, if the total is greater than this quantity, for example "total": 244; you must wide the request rank as following: {from=0 size=244} ; not exceeding the size value of 9999.
Receipt Download comprobantes/download/{uuid}/{format} Recover a Receipt based on its fiscal folio (UUID). We expect only XML or PDF values on {formato}.
For example, to recover the XML of the CFDI with a UUID A1D9FF50-BB53-4BC9-9AE9-0203DC538BE0, you will use the following request:
Validated Receipt Search comprobantes/searchValidacion?rcql={query string} Searchs for a previously validated receipts through a specific criteria in {query string}. The format of the {query string} is the following: {query string}='{search criteria}' where an attribute you are searching can be one of the following:
  • descuento
  • fechaEmision
  • fechaTimbrado
  • folio
  • folioFiscal
  • formaDePago
  • metodoDePago
  • moneda
  • rfcEmisor
  • rfcReceptor
  • serie
  • tipoComprobante
  • total
  • version

You can combine different {search criteria} through operators and and or.
For example, if you want to search the receipts where the issuer’s RFC is 'AAA010101AAA' and the formaDePago is '99', you will use the following searching string: {rfcEmisor='aaa010101aaa' and formaDePago='99'}
Validated Receipt Download comprobantes/downloadValidacion/{uuid}/{format} Allows for recovery of a Receipt previously validated by Sovos Mexico based on its fiscal folio (UUID). We expect only XML or PDF values as {format}.
For example, to recover the XML of the CFDI with a UUID A1D9FF50-BB53-4BC9-9AE9-0203DC538BE0, you will use the following requisition:
In order to search for validated receipts, you must have this service enabled in your account. For more information on this feature, please send an email to
Archiving only stores Documents with a fiscal folio as part of the Timbre Fiscal Digital complement. Archiving storage do not have documents with no UUID regardless of their origin: issuance, stamping or validations.

HTTP Response Codes

Code Meaning Description
200 Success The communication between the parties was correctly established.
401 Unauthorized You are not authorized to use an API action (probably the API KEY is missing in the header).
500 Internal Server Error Sovos platform error. Please contact support and provide a detailed account of the error.

Type of Content

The content type for every type of file is:

Content Type Content Extension
application/xml XML file of the CFDI in archiving. .xml
application/pdf Printed representation of the XML fiscal document CFDI. .pdf
application/json JSON structure with the result of the searc. .json

The content type must be specified in the request header.
