Modify the balance of an RFC in the stamping service API

Sovos Mexico has created a REST API that allows you to increase or decrease the balance of a given RFC registered in your account for the stamping web service:



  • Have stamping service enabled in your Sovos Mexico account.
  • Generate an API Key for your Sovos Mexico account. This is used to authenticate the request to the REST API. The API Key must correspond to the environment in which the request is made. For reference on how to generate the API Key, see the following article: Generate API Key for Webservices (Spanish only).

Service location

In this API you can affect (increase or decrease) the balance of each of the RFCs registered in your Sovos Mexico account. To do this, the following information must be sent to the REST API:

Environment URL

All requests must be sent through the secure communication channel (https). Connections made by http will be rejected.

Modify the balance for a RFC


HTTP Header

Parameter Value Usage Description
RCApiKey API Key Required Authentication to the service through the API Key generated in the Sovos Mexico platform.
Content-Type application/json Required The REST API only processes JSON structures therefore this header must be included.


Only a JSON structure is accepted in the request body

Atribute Type Description Validations on the attribute
RFC String RFC to which you want to modify its balance The RFC must be valid (according to the structure of an RFC specified in Anexo 20).
The RFC must be registered in the account (either for issuance or stamping).
Incrementar Integer Amount of balance to increase Only integer values are allowed. The value specified in this parameter must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the balance to assign.
Decrementar Integer Amount of balance to decrease Only integer values are allowed. The value specified in this parameter cannot be negative and cannot be greater than the current balance for the specified RFC.

Example of request to increase balance

  "rfc" : "XAXX0101010000",
  "incrementar" : 1

Example of response

    "result": "El saldo fue afectado exitosamente.",
    "rfc": "XAXX0101010000",
    "saldo_disponible_rfc": "7",
    "saldo_por_asignar": "3"

HTTP response codes

HTTP code Error Subcode de error Meaning Description
200 -- OK RFC balance was successfully affected.
400 400-001 Bad request Only one operation must be specified: 'incrementar' or 'decrementar'.
400 400-002 Bad request You cannot allocate more transactions than the ones you have allocated in your account.
400 400-003 Bad request Transactions with negative numbers cannot be modified.
401 -- Unauthorized Invalid API Key is invalid.
404 -- Not found The specified URL does not exist.
412 412-001 Precondition failed Sovos Mexico account does not have stamping service enabled.
412 412-002 Precondition failed The provided RFC does not exist in your Sovos Mexico account.
500 -- Internal server error Sovos Mexico platform error.

E-mail notifications configuration


This API method allows you to specify a transaction limit per RFC so that when the balance of that RFC reaches that limit, an email is sent to the specified addresses.

Environment URL

All requests must be made through the secure communication channel (https). Connections made by http will be rejected

HTTP Header

Parameter Value Usage Description
RCApiKey API Key Required Authentication to the service through the API Key generated in the Sovos Mexico platform.
Content-Type application/json Required The REST API only processes JSON structures therefore this header must be included.


Only a JSON structure is accepted in the request body.

Atribute Type Description Validations on the attribute
RFC String RFC to which you want to add the notification The RFC must be valid (according to the structure of an RFC specified in Anexo 20).
The RFC must be registered in the account (either for issuance or stamping).
Limite Integer Number of transactions from which a notification will be sent Must be a positive integer.
Correo String Email address or addresses (separated by commas) to which a notification of balance reaching a 'limit' will be sent It is verified that the email address provided is in a valid format.
Apagar Boolean Flag that allows you to turn off a balance limit notification Allowed values: { "true", `"false" }.

If the Apagar attribute has a value of false or is not sent in the request, the Limite and Correos fields are required.

Example of Request

  "RFC" : "XAXX010101000",
  "Apagar": "false",
  "Limite" : "10",
  "Correos" : [

Example of Response

	"result": "El límite para notificación de correo del RFC XAXX010101000 fue afectado exitosamente."

HTTP Response codes

HTTP code Error Subcode de error Meaning Description
200 -- OK RFC mail notification limit for RFC 'SpecifiedRFC' has been successfully defined.
400 400-001 Bad request Cannot add notifications with negative numbers.
400 400-002 Bad request Specified RFC does not have a valid structure.
400 400-003 Bad request The email address 'address@invalid' does not appear to be a valid email address.
400 400-004 Bad request Only a numeric value should be specified in: 'limite'.
400 400-005 Bad request Only a boolean value should be specified in: 'apagar': true or false.
400 400-006 Bad request The 'limite' attribute is required.
400 400-007 Bad request The 'correos' attribute is required.
401 -- Unauthorized The API Key is invalid.
404 -- Not Found The specified URL does not exist.
412 412-001 Precondition Failed Sovos Mexico account is not configured for stamping.
412 412-002 Precondition Failed The provided RFC does not exist in your Sovos Mexico account.
412 412-003 Precondition Failed You have not specified an RFC to which to enable notifications.
500 -- Internal Server Error Sovos Mexico platform error.

For more information or any doubt related to this guide, please send an email to
